Monday, March 19, 2012

Man Killed in Florida Boating Accident

Officials of the Classic Race Boat Association say that the annual Classic Race Boat Regatta is not a racing competition but rather is vintage showcase. This annual event is known to attract thousands of spectators, including the 8,000 to 10,000 watchers who attended last week. Unfortunately, similar to the Key West World Championships held last November, tragedy struck on Saturday. Investigators are currently looking into the cause of death of a boater. What is known thus far is that Mark Van Winkle and Lorraine Moody were ejected from their boat, and Van Winkle was struck by another boat and was killed. It is unclear how the boat struck Van Winkle or whether or not his death is associated with drowning or from personal injuries he may have sustained in this Florida boating accident.  

While there are many reasons for a boating accident to occur, the most common causes are due to operator inattentiveness, alcohol/drug use and excessive speed. It is being reported that the vessels in this event traveled between 70 and 80 miles per hour. Moreover, under Florida law, there are several rules and regulations which have been enacted in order to reduce the number of waterway accidents. Boaters are reminded that when operating a vessel in a speed zone which is posted as an Idle Speed-No Wake zone, the operator must operate at the minimum posted speed and when traveling on a “Slow Down-Minimum Wake” speed zone, operators must operate fully off plane and completely settled in water. In addition, the vessel’s wake must not be of the kind to create an excessive or a hazard to other vessels.

Our Fort Lauderdale boating accident attorneys recognize that activities like boating can be a fun and relaxing recreational experience and that there are hundreds of individuals each year who engage in this activity. However, if you are considering participating in the sport, it is best to become informed about the rules and regulations of the waterways, including any safety and educational requirements. Statistics indicate that boaters who take a boating safety course are less likely to be involved in a boating accident. Boaters can learn what laws may be applicable to their situation by contacting the either the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, or the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Also, in 2010, there were approximately 668 accidents that involved 339 injuries, the most common injuries were lacerations, broken bones and head injuries. These are serious injuries that often results in the injured party having to undergo extensive medical and rehabilitative treatment that is very costly. Besides personal injuries, each year boating accidents have resulted in massive property damage that could cost well in the millions of dollars. If you have recently been injured or harmed as a result of boating accident, you will need the experience of a Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys who can help you recover any damages that you may be legally entitled to, including monetary compensation for medical expenses, funeral costs, and pain and suffering.
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  2. Today so many boat accidents are happen. It is a general rule of law that the owner of a boat and its operator must exercise the utmost level of caution to prevent injuries from occurring to swimmers, passengers in the boat, or anyone else who may be in the surrounding area. Our personal injury lawyers can sit down with you and explore the different remedies available to you

    Hunter Law Group
